Hand Rolled Writing

Free Funny Fiction for Depressed People

Hello future reader. I am writing to you from my present, which is now your past. The goal was to direct your future from my past. I can’t go back in time, but there are no laws that say I can’t throw futures out like stepping stones.

So do you want to read my story or what?

Are you into science fiction? Do you like funny fiction? I grew up with Douglas Adams. I’m a big fan of Terry Pratchett. So Imagine someone trying to write like that, but he has a dark humor that seeps into everything, and you have me. Dark humor is a load bearing coping mechanism, when you take out the humor, it’s all just coping mechanisms.

And here you are…wow you have beautiful eyes. I want those eyes on my words. I don’t want your money. I want you to read. It’s not easy getting people to read.

Our Current Project is Harold and the Pirates. It’s a story about alien invasions, pirate submarines, and a messy divorce. No one should read about a messy divorce without at least aliens and giant sharks. All the writing is done by me and all the graphics are done by an AI that always get’s confused about the proper number of fingers and legs your average person should have. The AI still manages to draw circles around me and is not copyrighted. If you are an artist feeling slighted, know that all I can offer is free work; so you are not missing out on much. I’m posting the story in parts, so it is in easily digestible hunks. Sometimes I even read it to you.

The world is so full of corporate owned culture that so few ideas make it past the noise. I can’t compete but I can shout from the edges. I can polish here, fix that, and optimize this. I do that for the readers in hopes they get drawn in. I want to have fans, haters, and hate fans.

Maybe I will go to a book signing someday and disappoint someone with my lousy handwriting. I gained a certain amount of writing efficiency when I was eight and this level of skill sort of stuck. I can actually sign my name, which is something they decided not to teach kids to do, while still requiring it in the world. The world is silly. Good luck.

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This is me on Tick Tock. I mostly tick but I am starting to learn how to tock.
The beginning, read to you

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